And Ziklag, and Madmannah, and Sansannah,

(24) And Ziklag, [Septuagint, Sekelak]. It has been hypothetically placed at a site of ancient ruins called 'Asluj or Kasluj by Rowland ('Holy City,' 1:, pp 463-468; and Wilton, 'Negeb, p. 209), about three hours east of Sebata and southwest of Milh (Moladah), on the way to 'Aujeh (Ije-Azem) (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 2:, p. 621; also 3:, 'List of Arabic Names of Places.' No. 3).

(25) And Madmannah, [Septuagint, Macharim]. It is called (Joshua 19:5) Beth-marcaboth (chariot-house or station). It must have been situated in a plain or open country where wheeled carriages could be used; and from the times of Eusebius and Jerome it has generally been placed at Meenoois, now el-Mingay, the stage south of Gaza (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 3:; 'Notes and Illustrations,' 22:; 'Routes through the Desert,' No. 5:: see also Map at the end of his 'Later Biblical Researches'). (26) And Sansannah, [Septuagint, Sethennak]. It is called (Joshua 19:5) Hazar-susah, and (1 Chronicles 4:31) Hazar-susim (a depot of horses); supposed to be Wady es-Suny, where, from the vicinity to the shore of this and the preceding place, horses and wagons are in common use, as travelers testify.

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