And in the valley, Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and Ashnah,

In the valley, х bashªpeelaah (H8219)]. This word, signifying a low level tract of country, with the article prefixed, is applied in all instances, except one (Zephaniah 2:5), as the designation of the maritime plain of Philistia [Septuagint en tee pedinee]. The cities of this district are divided into four groups. First group comprised the cities in the lowland, adjoining the western mountains, and extending to the road from Jerusalem to Beit-Jibrin.

Eshtaol, х 'Eshtaa'owl (H847) (perhaps petition, entreaty, Gesenius); Septuagint, Astaool] - usually associated with Zoreah (cf. Joshua 19:41; Judges 16:31: see 'Onomast.,' article 'Esthaul'); and hence, although no trace of it has been found (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 3:, p. 20), it may be inferred that it stood at the foot of the western mountains of Judah, near the great Wady Surar. Porter, who made a careful survey of the district, thinks it to be 'a high probability that the site of this ancient town is now occupied by the village of Yeshua, or Eshua, lying at the eastern extremity of the broad valley which runs up among the hills between Zorah and Beth-shemesh. The mountains rise steep and rugged immediately behind it, but the village is encompassed by fruitful fields and orchards.'

Zoreah, х Tsaarª`aah (H6881), hornet's town]. The form of the word in the original is never changed; and although our version has Zoreah in this passage, it has Zorah in all others (Joshua 19:41; Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11; 1 Chronicles 4:2) except in 1 Chronicles 2:53; Nehemiah 11:29, where it is Taveah [Septuagint, Raa and Saraa], now Sur'ah, a small miserable hamlet situated on the spur of a steep high ridge, or conical hill, jutting out from the hills of Judah, scarcely two miles west from Yeshua (Porter's 'Handbook of Syria and Palestine,' p.

248). Its position is described ('Onomast.,' article 'Saara') as about ten miles from Eleutheropolis (Beit-Jibrin) toward Nicopolis (Amwas) (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 2:, pp. 340, 343, 365; 3:, p. 18).

Ashnah, х 'Ashnaah (H823), the fortified; Septuagint, Assa]. It stood between Zorah and Zanoah; but its site has not yet been discovered.

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