And Zanoah, and Engannim, Tappuah, and Enam,

Zanoah, х Zaanowach (H2182), or (Nehemiah 11:30) (perhaps marsh, bog, Gesenius); Septuagint, Tanoo and Zanoo, Tischendorf's manuscripts] - now Zanua. It is described ('Onomast.,' article 'Zanohua') as in the region of Eleutheropolis (Beit-Jibrin), on the way to Jerusalem; and this description is confirmed by Dr. Robinson ('Biblical Researches,' 2:, p. 343), who says that Zanua lies on the low slope of a hill not far from Zorah and Beth-shemesh (Ain-thems).

En-gannim (fountain of gardens) - the name of a city of Judah, situated at the western base of the mountains, near to Zanoah. Its site is not yet identified. There is another place to which this name is applied (see the note at Joshua 19:21). Tappuah, х Tapuwach (H8599)]. The Septuagint does not notice it. It stood on the slope of the western mountains, among the other towns here enumerated; but its position is unknown (see another Tappuah in Joshua 15:53; and a third, Joshua 16:8; Joshua 17:18).

Enam, х haa-`Eeynaam (H5879), the two fountains; Septuagint, Maiani and Eenaeim (Tischendorf's manuscripts)] - the name of a city adjoining Timnath (see the note at Genesis 38:14). The Peshito version joins this word with the preceding, 'Pathuch-elam.'

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