And Gederoth, Bethdagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah; sixteen cities with their villages:

Gederoth, х Gªdeerowt (H1450), folds; and with the article, 2 Chronicles 28:18; Septuagint, Geddoor]. It was not connected with the towns of similar name, Joshua 15:36.

Bethdagon, [temple of Dagon; Septuagint, Bagadieel]. Reland has suggested that, in the absence of the copulative, Gederoth-Beth-dagon, was meant to be read as the distinctive name of one place. But it is objected to this combination of the words that the waw (w) is frequently omitted in similar circumstances; that Gederoth stands alone in the passage of Chronicles above quoted; and that such an arrangement, of the words would disturb the textual enumeration. No trace of the site has been obtained.

Naamah, х Na`amaah (H5279), pleasant; Septuagint, Nooman] - unknown.

Makkedah, х Maqeedaah (H4719) place of shepherds; Septuagint Macheedan]. Eusebius and Jerome ('Onomast.,' article 'Maceda') say that its position is eight miles to the east of Eleutheropolis (Beit-Jibrin); but their account is evidently erroneous. On the right bank of Wady es-Sumt, above one mile above the tell, is a ruin called el-Klediah, answering to the position, and bearing some resemblance to the name, of Makkedah (Porter, 'Handbook,' p. 251). These are the 16 cities which compose this group; but the site of few of them is known.

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