Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Juttah,

Maon, [Septuagint, Maoor; Alexandrian, Maoon] - now Ma'in, a town in ruins, situated on a round hill called Tell Ma'in, twenty minutes distance from Carmel (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 2:, pp. 193-195; Porters 'Handbook,' p. 61; Wilton's 'Negeb,' p. 13, where it is shown that the town Maon was in the hill-country; but the wilderness of Mann," where Nabal's flocks pastured (cf. 1 Samuel 20:21; 1 Samuel 23:24, 1 Samuel 23:25) was in the Negeb, "the south country").

Carmel, [fruitful; Septuagint, Chermel] - a city about 6 miles southeast of Hebron, now Kurmul (1 Samuel 15:12), different from the Carmel of Elijah. The ruins of Carmel are the largest of any in the whole district (Robinson's 'Biblical Researches,' 2:, p. 195; Porter's 'Handbook,' pp. 61, 62; 'Negeb,' pp. 16-18).

Ziph - a ruined city on a mound called Tell Zif. It was at the distance of an hour and a half from el-Ramah. Robinson thought the extensive ruins to the east of Tell Ziph to be those of the city itself.

Juttah - now Yutta.

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