And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance.

There remained ... seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. The selection of Shiloh for There remained ... seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. The selection of Shiloh for the seat of worship, together with the consequent removal of the camp there, had necessarily interrupted the casting of lots, which was commenced by fixing localities for the tribes of Judah and Joseph. Various causes led to a long delay in resuming it. The satisfaction of the people with their change to so pleasant and fertile a district, their preference of a nomad life, a love of ease, and reluctance to renew the war, seem to have made them indifferent to the possession of a settled inheritance. But Joshua was too much alive to the duty laid on him by the Lord to let matters continue in that state; and accordingly, since a general conquest of the land had been made, he resolved to proceed immediately with the lot, believing that when each tribe should receive its inheritance, a new motive would arise to lead them to exert themselves in securing the full possession.

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