And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

And immediately he arose, took up the bed. 'Sweet saying!' says Bengel. 'The bed had borne the man: now the man bore the bed.'

And went forth before them all - proclaiming by that act to the multitude, whose wondering eyes would follow Him as He pressed through them, that He who could work such a glorious miracle of healing, must indeed "have power on earth to forgive sins."

Insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion, [ houtoos (G3779)] - 'never saw it thus,' or, as we say, 'never saw the like.' In Luke (Luke 2:26) it is, "We have seen strange (or 'unexpected') things [ paradoxa (G3861)] today" - referring both to the miracles performed and the forgiveness of sins pronounced by human lips. In Matthew (Matthew 9:8) it is, "They marveled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men." At forgiving power they wondered not, but that a man, to all appearance like one of themselves, should possess it! Remarks:

(1) Was it not a blessed deed those four did, to bring a patient to the Great Physician? But may not this be done many ways still? And how encouraging is the notice which Jesus took, not only of the patient's, but of his bearers' faith!

(2) What a lesson does the extraordinary determination of these believing bearers of the paralytic teach us, to let no obstacles stand in the way of our reaching Jesus, either for ourselves or for those dear to us!

(3) How does the supreme Divinity of the Lord Jesus shine forth here, in the authority and power to forgive sins, even as the Son of Man upon earth, which He first put forth and then demonstrated that He possessed! and the half-suppressed horror which filled those ecclesiastics who were spectators of the scene, as they heard from human lips what it was the sole prerogative of God to utter, when we connect with it the evidence which Jesus gave them of the justice of His claim, only crowns the proof which this scene furnishes of the divine glory of Christ.

(4) If even on earth, or in the depth of His humiliation, the Son of Man had power to forgive sins, shall we doubt His "ability to save to the uttermost," now that He is set down at the right hand of Majesty on high?

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