And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place for them.

They departed ... three days' journey - i:e., (the first day's progress being very small), about 18 or 20 miles.

Ark of covenant ... went before them ... to search out a resting place for them, х laatuwr (H8446) laahem (H3807a) mªnuwchaah (H4496)] - to search or discover (used here anthropomorphically), a place of rest. It was carried in the center; and hence, some eminent commentators think the passage should be rendered, 'the ark went in their presence,' the cloud above upon it being conspicuous in their eyes. But it is probable that the cloudy pillar, which, while stationary, rested upon the ark, preceded them in the march-as, when in motion at one time (Exodus 14:19), it is expressly said to have shifted its place.

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