And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

If ye go to war - in the land of Canaan, either, when attacked by foreign invaders or when they went to take possession, according to the divine promise, ye - i:e., the priests-shall blow an alarm. This advice was accordingly acted upon (Numbers 31:6; 2 Chronicles 13:12); and in the circumstances it was an act of devout confidence in God. A solemn and religious act on the eve of a battle has often animated the hearts of those who felt they were engaged in a good and just cause; and so the blowing of the trumpet, being an ordinance of God, and performed by his consecrated ministers, produced that effect on the minds of the Israelites. But more is meant by the words-namely, that God would, as it were, be aroused by the trumpet to bless with His more is meant by the words-namely, that God would, as it were, be aroused by the trumpet to bless with His presence and aid.

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