Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city.

Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion, х wªyeerd (H7287)]. Some [considering this to be a form of the verb yaarad (H3381)] translate, 'he that shall descend.' But others, looking to the connection with the preceding verse, more correctly deduce this word from х raadaah (H7287)] 'he shall bear rule'-namely, over the Edomites (Obadiah 1:19).

And shall destroy him that remaineth of the city - literally, that escaped from the city; i:e., from the massacre attending the capture of it. [The Septuagint, apolei soozomenon ek poleoos. Mr. Grove (Smith's 'Dictionary,' art. Moab) considers `iyr (H5892), "city," to be `Aar (H6144), Ar of Moab, as he also thinks the same "city" is referred to, Micah 6:9.] But this prophecy, though it received a historic fulfillment in the temporal overthrow both of Moab and Edom, had a more extended reference; for in the style of the prophetic writings, both-particularly the latter-stand as emblems of the pagan nations, which 'Hebrews 1:1:e., Christ,' that shall come out of Jacob and have the dominion shall make a possession (Psalms 2:8) - i:e., subdue and incorporate them into the kingdom of the spiritual Israel (cf. Amos 9:12 with Acts 15:17).

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