Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.

Much food (is in) the tillage of the poor - `in the newly tilled had of the poor;' in the land which they have newly broken up with arduous and honest labour.

But there is (that is) destroyed for want of judgment. By the rule of interpretation by the contrast of opposites, and by supplying the wanting member in one clause from its opposite expressed in the other clause, the sense is, But there is food (i:e., wealth) possessed by rich men, that is destroyed for want of honesty (literally, judgment or justice) in its acquisition and its employment. The poor man's (honest) labour forms the contrast to the rich man's 'want of justice' in his acquisitions. 'The newly tilled land,' of the poor forms the contrast to the rich man's possessions held for some time. The "much food" of the poor, secured by honest labour, is opposed to the 'food destroyed' of the rich man, (; ; ; , margin).

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