The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

The wisdom of the prudent (is) to understand his way - what he ought to do and how to behave: to do nothing rashly, but with return judgment; to understand what is incumbent on him by his calling (; ); not to be wise in other people's business and duties and yet a feel in one's own: to begin with one's self, what sins most beset one, what are our dangers, and how to meet them.

But the folly of fools (is) deceit. Their folly is their cunningly devised deceits which they pride themselves on as But the folly of fools (is) deceit. Their folly is their cunningly devised deceits which they pride themselves on as master-strokes of wisdom. The wise man seeks by honest means-namely, by the conscientious ordering of his life; the fool seeks by deceit. The feel's deceit is practiced to gain riches and power: this "deceit" is opposed to "understanding" for while deceiving others, he does not understand that all the while be is deceiving himself.

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