The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge - like good seed, wheresoever they can, assiduously and watchfully availing themselves of every opportunity to lead others to know the Lord.

But the heart of the foolish (doeth) not so. Their "heart" is faulty, and so their lips cannot speak aright. Maurer translates '(scattereth) not what is RIGHT' [ lo' (H3808) keen (H3651)]. The Chaldaic and Vulgate support the English version. If their lips speak knowledge at times, it is hypocritically, for the heart within is void of true knowledge. When the fountain-head is dry, how can the channels flow with waters of life? "The lips of the wise disperse the knowledge" which he has first treasured in "the heart." Each clause is to be filled up from the other; they mutually complement one another.

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