The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.

The wise in heart shall be called prudent (intelligent; Hebrew, nabon): and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning - as well for himself (inasmuch as in teaching, one is taught one's self, and begins much more exactly to know the subject under discussion) as also for the hearer's good. 'The wise in heart shall be called intelligent,' when 'the sweetness of his lips increaseth the learning' of those around him. As he who is "wise in heart" gets great honour to himself, so "sweetness of the lips" brings great gain to the hearers. The end of facility in speech, whereby one speaketh each thing in its proper place and time () is not to glorify one's self, but to inform others of what is their interest to know. He who will be faithful in using the talent committed to him shall be counted worthy to receive more.

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