The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness.

The righteous (man) wisely considereth the house of the wicked: (but God) overthroweth the wicked for (their) wickedness. "The righteous wisely considereth" that though "the house of the wicked" seems flourishing now, yet "the wicked" are doomed to be overthrown "for their wickedness." As it presents a difficulty that a different subject ("God") is supplied to "overthroweth" from the subject to "considereth" ("the righteous man"), I prefer to take "the righteous (man)" as subject to both: then "overthroweth" is used as "to destroy and to throw down" is used in , of announcing God's purpose to overthrow: 'The righteous considereth wisely as to lª- the house of the wicked:' he pronounces their coming 'overthrow for their wickedness,' notwithstanding their seeming prosperity. So Asaph wisely considered and pronounced respecting them in Psalms 83:1. Maurer, less probably, compares and , and makes 'the righteous (God)' subject to both verbs.

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