The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.

The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the Maker of them all. Though the rich and the poor are unequal in worldly means, yet they are equal in respect to creation and common nature. In spite of the conventional distinctions of property and position, they meet on a common footing in many things. They meet on a level in respect to the common weaknesses of humanity, sickness, and death. So in the house of God (James 2:1). Neither could dispense with the other. The rich need the labour of the poor; the poor the money and educated intelligence of the rich. Therefore the poor are not to be despised, nor the rich to be envied. To do so would be to reproach God, who hath made both as they are (; ). Rather, both are to be bound together in mutual offices of kindness. Men are to be estimated not by their riches or their poverty, but by the "good name" and "favour" which they deserve or not before God and man ().

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