He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail.

He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity - (; .) According to each man's sowing shall be his harvest.

And the rod of his anger shall fail - the rod wherewith, in his insolent anger, he attack the poor who were subject to him, shall fail (Isaiah 14:5). Gesenius, in accordance with , takes it, 'the rod of His (God's) anger is prepared-namely, for him that soweth iniquity. Umbreit, 'the rod of his anger (i:e., the rod of wrath wherewith he shall be punished) is prepared. The Chaldaic and Vulgate, 'shall be consummated.' The Syriac, 'shall be consumed,' which supports the English version.

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