If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;

If thou forbear to deliver (them that are) drawn unto death, and (those that are) ready to be (literally, wavering on, the verge of being) slain. The Hebrew order is, 'to deliver etc., if thou forbear.' The duty is laid down first, then the failure to discharge it; and the penal consequent of this follows in Proverbs 24:12, "Doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it?" Gesenius takes the Hebrew particle [ 'im (H518)] "if" to be used as a formula of oath, equivalent to 'Do not (through indolence or cowardice) forbear to deliver, etc. So the good Samaritan, Luke 10:30, etc.; Exodus 23:5; Esther 3:6; Esther 4:13; Esther 8:4; Obadiah 1:1; 1 Kings 18:4. The Vulgate, Chaldaic, Syriac, and Arabic, and seemingly the Septuagint, translate, 'Deliver them, etc.; and do not forbear (to deliver) those that are ready to be slain.' Of course, those to be delivered are not those justly condemned to death, but those through misfortune or oppression threatened with destruction. The excuse, "Am I my brother's keeper?" was that of the murderer Cain (Genesis 4:9). Many stand on the same footing, who say, We have enough to do with our own business, without minding the business of others.

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