Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty.

Accuse not (literally, attack not with the tongue) a servant unto his master (for the servant, or slave, being already in an afflicted condition, thou wouldest be adding affliction to affliction),

Lest he (the slave) curse thee, and thou be found guilty - his curse involving thee in guilt before God. So in the case of all that are afflicted, the widow and the fatherless (). But when conscience requires faithfulness in exposing sin, there the servant's delinquency is to be told to the master (). It is only false or trivial charges that are censured. Love enjoins silence where faithfulness does not require us to accuse.

A generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother - to whom children owe so much, and whom they ought to honour next to God. Ingratitude and contumacy. No provocation of a parent excuses the child who curses him-a sin punished capitally, as was blasphemy toward the Divine Father ().

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