And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

A similar conclusion to the seventh seal, Revelation 8:5, and to the seventh vial, Revelation 16:18. Thus, the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials, are not consecutive, but parallel, ending in the same consummation. They, from distinct stand-points, unfold God's plans for bringing about the grand end, under three aspects, mutually complementing each other.

The temple - the Holy Place [ naos (G3485)]; not the whole temple [ hieron (G2411)].

Opened in heaven. So B 'Aleph ('); but A C read the article, 'the temple of God, which is in heaven, was opened.'

The ark of his testament - `His covenant.' As in Revelation 11:1, the earthly sanctuary was measured, so here its heavenly antitype, and the antitype above to the ark of the covenant in the Holiest below, are seen, the pledge of God's faithfulness to His covenant in saving His people, and punishing their enemies. A fit close to the trumpet-judgments, and an introduction to the episode (Revelation 12:1; Revelation 13:1) as to His faithfulness to His Church. First, His secret place (Psalms 27:5) is open for the assurance of His people; thence proceed His judgments in their behalf (Revelation 14:15; Revelation 14:17; Revelation 15:5; Revelation 16:7; Revelation 16:17), which the great company in heaven land as "true and righteous." Parallel to the scene at the heavenly altar closing the seals and opening the trumpets (Revelation 8:3), and at the close of the episode (Revelation 12:1; Revelation 15:1), and opening of the vials (Revelation 15:7). Note, opening of Revelation 12:1.

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