And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

Cinnamon - designed by God for better purposes: an ingredient in the holy anointing oil: a plant in the garden of the Beloved (Song of Solomon 4:14); but desecrated to vile uses by the adulteress (Proverbs 7:17).

Odours - of incense. 'Aleph (') A C, Vulgate, Syriac, prefix, 'and amomum' (a precious hair ointment from an Asiatic shrub).

Ointments - `ointment.'

Frankincense. Contrast the "incense" which God loves (Psalms 141:2; Malachi 1:11).

Fine flour, [ semidalin (G4585)] - the similago of the Latins (Alford).

Beasts - of burden.

Slave - `bodies.'

Souls of men - (Ezekiel 27:13.) Said of slaves. Appropriate to the harlot, apostate Christendom, especially Rome, which so often enslaved both bodies and souls. Though Christianity does not directly forbid slavery, which might then have incited a slave-revolt, it virtually condemns it. Popery derived its greatest gains from masses for the souls of men after death, and from indulgences purchased from the papal chancery by rich merchants in various countries, to be retailed at a profit (Mosheim, 3:, 95, 96).

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