Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

Death - on herself, formerly (Revelation 18:7) secure even from the death of her husband.

Mourning - instead of her feasting Mourning - instead of her feasting.

Famine - instead of her luxurious delicacies (Revelation 18:3; Revelation 18:7).

Fire - (note, Revelation 17:16.) Literal fire may burn literal Rome, which is in the midst of volcanic agencies. As the ground was cursed for Adam's sin, and under Noah was sunk beneath the flood, and Sodom was burned with fire, so may Rome be. But as the harlot is mystical (the whole faithless Church), the burning is mainly mystical: utter destruction and removal. Rome will rise to power just before her fall. The carnal, faithless, worldly elements in all churches-Roman, Greek, and Protestant-tend toward one center, preparing for the last form of the beast, Antichrist. The Pharisees were mostly sound in creed, yet judgment fell on them as on the unsound Sadducees and half-pagan Samaritans. So faithless and adulterous Protestant churches will not escape for soundness of creed.

The Lord. So 'Aleph (') B C, Syriac, Andreas; but A, Vulgate, omit. 'Strong;' as God's name [ 'Eel (H410)] means.

Judgeth. But 'Aleph (') A B C read, past [ krinas (G2919)], 'who judged her:' prophetic past for future. The charge in Revelation 18:4, to come out of her, implies the judgment was not yet executed.

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