I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

I know thy works. So B; but 'Aleph (') A C, Vulgate, Coptic, omit. Satan's seat - rather, all through Revelation, "throne." Satan, in impious mimicry of God's heavenly throne, sets up his earthly throne (). Esculapius was worshipped there under the serpent form. Satan, the old servant, as instigator (cf. ) of devotees of Esculapius, and, through them, of the supreme magistracy at Pergamos, persecuted one of the Lord's people (Antipas) to death. This address is an anticipatory preface to Revelation 12:1, notes.

Even in those days. So A C; but 'Aleph (') B omit "even."

Wherein. So B; but 'Aleph (') A C, Vulgate, Coptic, omit: then translate, 'in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness.' So 'Aleph (') B; but A C read, 'My witness, MY faithful one.' Another form for Antipater. Simeon Metaphrastes has a legendary story, that Antipas, in Domitian's persecution, was shut up in a redhot brazen bull, and ended his life in thanksgivings and prayers. Hengstenberg makes the name symbolical, meaning one standing out 'against all' for Christ.

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