And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

Borne ... patience. 'Aleph (') A B C, Vulgate, transpose. 'Thou, hast borne' my reproach ('Aleph (') adds 'all afflictions' [ thlipsis (G2347) pasas (G3956)]), but 'canst not bear the evil' (Revelation 2:2). A beautiful antithesis.

And ... hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 'Aleph (') B [ekopiasas] A C h, Vulgate, read [ ouk (G3756) kekopiakas (G2872)], 'and ... hast not laboured;' omitting 'and hast fainted.' The difficulty which the received text tried to obviate was the seeming contradiction, 'I know thy labour ... and thou hast not laboured.' What is meant is, 'thou hast not been wearied out with labour.'

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