Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.

Likewise greet the church that is in their house - no doubt, the Christian assembly that statedly met there for worship. And it is natural to suppose, from his occupation as a tent-maker (Acts 18:3), that his premises would accommodate larger gatherings than those of most others. Probably this devoted couple had written to the apostle such an account of the stated meetings at their house as made him feel at home with them, and include them in this salutation, which doubtless would be read at their meeting with special interest.

Salute my [well] beloved Epenetus, who is the first-fruits (i:e., the first convert)

Of Achaia unto Christ. But as this was not the fact, so neither is it what the apostle says. The true reading, beyond all question, is, 'the first-fruits of Asia unto Christ'-that is, Proconsular Asia, (See the note at Acts 16:6.) [ Achaias (G882) is found in only one Uncial manuscript, L, and in the two correctors of. Every other manuscript, and nearly all versions, have Asias (G773)]. In 1 Corinthians 16:15 it is said that "the household of Stephanas was the first-fruits of Achaia." And though, if Epaenetus was a member of that family, the two statements might be reconciled, according to the Received Text, there is no need to resort to that supposition, as we have seen that the true reading is otherwise. This Epaenetus, as the first believer in Roman Asia, was dear to the apostle (see Hosea 9:10; and Micah 7:1).

None of the names mentioned from Romans 16:5; Romans 16:15 are otherwise known One wonders at the number of them None of the names mentioned from Romans 16:5 are otherwise known. One wonders at the number of them, considering that the writer had never been at Rome. But as Rome was then the center of the civilized world, to and from which journeys were continually taken to the remotest parts, there is no great difficulty in supposing that so active a traveling missionary as Paul would, in course of time, make the acquaintance of a considerable number of the Christians then residing at the capital.

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