Joel seems better than Igaal, (2 Kings; Haydock) as we know there were some of this name under David, (chap. xxvi. 22., and xxvii. 20.) and all the versions agree here, but vary much [in] 2 Kings. It is, therefore, more natural for us to adhere to that copy which has the greatest authority from the ancient versions. (Kennicott) --- Brother, relation, adopted child, (Du Hamel) or son, (2 Kings) which seems more correct, as this is an usual expression. (Calmet) --- This reason may rather lead us to conclude that the mistake being more natural, has been made by the transcriber of that book; particularly as we no where else read of Joel being the son of Nathan, but rather of Pedaiah, &c. --- Mibahar, or rather "Nathan of Tzoba." --- The son, ought to be the proper name, "Bonni, (of Gadi, 2 Kings) or the Gadite." (Kennicott)

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