Blood, of Urias, (St. Jerome and the Rabbins) or rather, as David had already entertained the desire of building a temple before that event, (Estius) the blood which David had shed in just wars, must be understood; as even that causes a person to be regarded as unclean. The soldiers were obliged to be purified before they could enter the camp, Numbers xxxi. 19. In the Christian Church, those are deemed irregular who have contributed to the death of the guilty, even as judges or witnesses. The Pagans entertained the like sentiments. (Calmet) \'c6neas dares not touch the sacred vessels and household gods, when he was stained with blood, shed in his country's defence. Tu, genitor, cape sacra manu, patriosque penates

Me bello e tanto digressum et cæde recenti

Attrectare nefas. (Virgil, \'c6neid ii.)

--- So. Hebrew, "much blood in my sight." (Haydock) --- This expression enhances (Du Hamel) the greatness of the bloodshed; as when a person is said to be wicked, &c., before the Lord, it means in an extraordinary degree. The wars of David are frequently assigned as the impediment to David's building the temple, chap. xvii. 4., and xxviii. 3. (Josephus, &c.) (Calmet) --- They would not suffer him to have sufficient leisure, ver. 18., (Haydock) 3 Kings v. 3. (Salien) (Menochius)

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