Wars. Hebrew, "out of the spoils won in battles, which they had set apart as sacred, to support the house," &c. Septuagint, "that the building of the house of the Lord might not be retarded." (Haydock) --- Yet these spoils remained untouched by Solomon, who imitated this piety, as others did, 3 Kings xiv. 26. The Romans adored Jupiter Prædator, as he was styled, because part of the plunder was allotted to him. (Servius in Virgil, \'c6neid iii.) Irruimus ferro et Divos ipsumque vocamus

In prædam partemque Jovem.

People vied with each other in the munificence of their presents. (Cæsar, Bel. Gall. vi.) (Calmet)

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