Now concerning those things. It appears from this whole passage that
the Corinthians had, in a former letter, consulted this apostle, upon
the subject of eating meats offered to idols. It was not unusual to
reserve some part of the sacrifice of which they made a supper, either
in their own family, w... [ Continue Reading ]
_An idol is nothing. The apostle seems to allude in this place to the
Greek signification of this word, Greek: eidolon, signifying a false
representation; as for instance in ghosts, which are said to appear
sometimes at night. Umbræ tenues, simulacra luce carentium. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Many gods, &c. Reputed for such among the heathens. (Challoner)_... [ Continue Reading ]
To us there is but one God, the Father; of whom all things, and we
unto him. Of or from the Father are all things, even the eternal Son
and the Holy Ghost, though they are one and the same God with the
Father. --- And one Lord Jesus Christ: by whom are all things, and we
by him. All things were crea... [ Continue Reading ]
_But knowledge is not in every one, &c. The new converts, who had been
Jews, thought that things which had been offered to idols were
defiled, unclean, and could not be lawfully eaten: they who had been
Gentiles looked upon them as victims offered to idols, in which there
was some virtue of enchantm... [ Continue Reading ]
_Meat doth not commend us to God. It is an admonition to those, who
because they knew that meats offered to idols were not worse, would
not abstain, even when this scandalized the weak brethren: he tells
them that eating or not eating of them, does not make them more
acceptable to God, nor puts them... [ Continue Reading ]
_In the idol's temple. [1] It does not seem likely that any Christians
would go to eat with idolaters in their very temples, of things
offered to their idols: so that we may rather understand any place
where infidels and Christians eat together, and where it happened that
some meats were brought whi... [ Continue Reading ]
_If meat scandalize. That is, if my eating cause my brother to sin.
(Challoner) --- Can we put any meat, or life itself, in competition
with a soul, and the blood of Christ, which has been shed for that
soul, when we know the value of each!_... [ Continue Reading ]