At. The Septuagint omit the 20 verses following. But Grabe's edition has them marked with asterisks, (Haydock) as being supplied from Theodotion, &c. The Vatican copy gives a great part, with some circumstances which occur no where else, chap. xii. 24. (Calmet) --- The wife of Jeroboam is there called Ano, (Menochius) the elder sister of the queen of Egypt, Thekemina. See chap. xi. 19; where Adad marries another sister. (Haydock) --- Time. This expression does not determine the year. (St. Chrysostom, &c.) --- The passage in the Vatican Septuagint seems to place this death before Jeroboam ascended the throne: but it took place rather at the end of his reign, ver. 14. Abia seems to have been his eldest son, and fit for command; so that the people mourn for him, which they would hardly have done for an infant. (Calmet)

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