Thersa. Septuagint inform us that Jeroboam had built this place, which the call Sarira, while he was employed by Solomon. No wonder, therefore, that it is not mentioned by Josue. Its exact situation is not known, though it must have been very delightful, since Solomon compares the spouse to it. (Calmet) --- Where we read sweet, (Canticle of Canticles vi. 3.) Hebrew has, "Thou art Thersa, and comely as Jerusalem." Hither Jeroboam had removed his court from Sichem. (Tirinus) --- Some place Thersa in the tribe of Manasses; (Adrichomius) others, in that of Ephraim. (Bonfrere) --- House. Hebrew, "door," or gate of the city, when the prophet had denounced that the child should die, (ver. 12.) unless the palace was contiguous to the walls. (Haydock)

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