Priest. Sadoc had been anointed in his stead, probably by Nathan, in the general assembly, while David was present: they anointed....Sadoc to be high priest, 1 Paralipomenon xxix. 22. (Salien) --- But not, Solomon orders Abiathar to retire to his estate, in punishment of his conspiracy. (Calmet) --- He might have justly put him to death, if he had committed a crime worthy of it; as his dignity did not give him a right to disturb the peace of the state with impunity. (Haydock) --- Solomon acted as a prophet. (Worthington) --- God had long before denounced that the family of Eleazar should regain the dignity, which Heli had obtained by some means or other, 1 Kings ii. 31. (Haydock) --- Solomon only put the divine decree in execution. (Pineda vi. 15.) --- Sadoc had perhaps also passed sentence, as the Levitical tribe had a great sway in the courts of judicature. (Menochius) --- Abiathar was still honoured with his former title, chap. iv. 4. But he was not permitted to officiate, (Calmet) nor to remain in the royal city, as he seemed now to be a dangerous man. (Haydock) --- Anathoth was a sacerdotal town in Benjamin. (Menochius) --- A portion of the suburbs had been assigned to Abiathar, unless he had obtained a field by inheritance, or by marrying an heiress, See Jeremias xxxii. 7. (Calmet)

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