Vial, in the form of a lentil. (Pliny, [Natural History?] xviii. 12.)
--- Oil. This anointing seems to have been peculiar to the kings,
priests, and prophets of the Hebrews, who prefigured Jesus, the great
anointed of God. (St. Augustine in Psalm xliv.) The custom was very
ancient, Judges ix. 8. It... [ Continue Reading ]
_Rachel, near Bethlehem, Genesis xxxv. 16. --- South. Septuagint or
"mid-day." Hebrew Tseltsach, is very obscure. Some take it for a
proper name. (Calmet) --- Protestant, "at Zelzah." Others for some
musical instrument, as if these travellers were "dancing," as the
Septuagint insinuate, and playing... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thabor, very distant from the famous mountain (Calmet) in Zabulon.
(Menochius) --- Bethel. Where there was at that time an altar of God;
it being one of the places where Samuel judged Israel, (Challoner) and
which had always been considered as a place of devotion, since Jacob
had his vision, Genesi... [ Continue Reading ]
_Hand. They would be very acceptable to Saul, who had none. The
strangers might suppose that they could purchase more at Bethel.
(Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
The hill of God. Gabaa, in which there was also at that time, a high
place or altar. (Challoner) --- The prophets were not molested by the
infidels, in performing their devotions, as people consecrated to the
Lord, who do not meddle with war, are privileged by the consent of
nations. (Grotius, Jur.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Spirit of piety. (Menochius) --- Man. Thou shalt act, and entertain
sentiments worthy of a great prince, (Calmet) and be no longer
employed in rustic works. (Menochius) --- Cape regis animum et in
istam fortunam, qua dignus es, istam continentiam profer. "Adopt the
sentiments of a king, said the de... [ Continue Reading ]
_Find. Undertake any enterprise, how difficult soever, which God may
propose to thee. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Galgal. Here also by dispensation was an altar of God. (Challoner)
--- To do. Saul went thither, after the victory which he had obtained
over the Ammonites, when he was confirmed in his dignity, chap. xi.
14. But the mention of seven days, seems to indicate that Samuel is
here speaking of that even... [ Continue Reading ]
_Prophets. This proverb received a fresh confirmation, when Saul was
going to seize David, and was forced by the Spirit to join with the
college of prophets, in singing God's praises, chap. xix. 24.
(Haydock) --- It may be applied to those who are unexpectedly raised
to a high dignity, or enabled to... [ Continue Reading ]
_Their father. That is, their teacher or superior. As much as to say,
Who could bring about such a wonderful change as to make Saul a
prophet? (Challoner) but the Lord, whose Spirit breatheth where he
will, John iii. 8. (Haydock) --- Septuagint, "Who is his father? is it
not Cis?" The Jews seem to h... [ Continue Reading ]
_Place. Returning to his father's house, after the Spirit had ceased
to inspire him, and the prophets had retired home. His relations,
suspecting something more than common had been revealed to Saul by
Samuel, began to ask him questions: but he had the prudence to keep
(Calmet) his secret to himself... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lord, who always presided over such assemblies. This was convened to
elect a king, whom God pointed out by lots. Some assert that the ark,
and the high priest, in his pontifical ornaments, were present.
(Calmet) --- Adrichomius says Maspha was only three hours' walk from
Cariathiarim. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Families. Lots were first drawn to determine the tribe, then to find
out which of the great families, and which house, was to give a king
to Israel. (Haydock) --- See Josue vii. 14. (Menochius) --- God was
pleased thus to convince them that the election proceeded from him.
(St. Gregory) (Worthingto... [ Continue Reading ]
_Metri. We find none of this name, 1 Paralipomenon viii. 1. It is
probably a title which some of the great patriarchs of Benjamin had
acquired by shooting, as Metri means "an archer or bowman." (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Home. Hebrew, "he hath hidden himself among the stuff," (Haydock)
instruments, or baggage, at Masphath. He acted thus out of modesty,
judging himself unfit for the exalted dignity, (Calmet) and shewed
that he did not seek for it. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Upwards. God condescended to gratify the desires of the people, who
chiefly regarded the stature and corporal qualifications of their
king. "Many nations are accustomed to look with veneration on a
majestic person, and think none are capable of great exploits except
those whom nature has made very... [ Continue Reading ]
_King. Our favourite song, "God save," &c., is an amplification of
this sentiment. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Before the Lord. It seems that the ark was therefore present. This
record of Samuel is lost, so that we cannot determine what laws he
prescribed on this occasion. (Calmet) --- Josephus ([Antiquities?] vi.
5.) says that he wrote and read in the hearing of all, and in the
presence of the king, what ev... [ Continue Reading ]
_Touched; to consider the appointment of Saul, as his act. Afterwards
they retired home, and the new king returned to his wonted
occupations. The army here denotes part of the assembly, as the young
men came with their leaders ready, if called, to march to battle,
Exodus vi. 26., and Deuteronomy xx.... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Belial; seditious men, perhaps of the tribe of Ephraim, (Judges
xii.) or of Juda, to whom the regal power seemed to belong, Genesis
xlix. (Salien) --- Presents, in testimony of their submission. See
Judges iii. 15., and 3 Kings iv. 21. The eastern kings still expect
that ambassadors sh... [ Continue Reading ]