Rachel, near Bethlehem, Genesis xxxv. 16. --- South. Septuagint or "mid-day." Hebrew Tseltsach, is very obscure. Some take it for a proper name. (Calmet) --- Protestant, "at Zelzah." Others for some musical instrument, as if these travellers were "dancing," as the Septuagint insinuate, and playing on musical instruments, like the prophets, ver. 5. It does not appear how Saul would come near Bethlehem, in his journey from Ramatha to Gabaa, unless Ramatha lay more to the south that it is represented, which is could not do, being in the tribe of Ephraim; so that we might translate the Hebrew, "Thou wilt find two men of Zelzelach, a place near the tomb of Rachel, on the borders of Benjamin, and they," &c.

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