Eyes. This might have been spoken by Gad, or Samuel; (Menochius) or they only mean that this is a most favourable opportunity. Some think that David ought to have embraced it, and put an end to these troubles, by the death of the usurper. But this was not the opinion of David; and God, who had promised him the throne, had not authorized him to lay violent hands on Saul. He might act on the defensive, but not be the aggressor. (Tirinus) --- Arose, with an intention to kill his unjust persecutor, ver. 11. --- Robe, to convince him how easily he might have taken away his life. (St. Augustine, de C. [City of God?] xii. 6.) --- The noise of Saul's attendants hindered him from being perceived. Perhaps Saul might have put off his robe. (Menochius) --- St. Chrysostom observes, the David obtained more glory by sparing Saul than by killing Goliath. (Tirinus) --- Clemency makes a man like God. (Cicero)

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