Came upon, to punish, as on other occasions, to protect, Ezechiel i. 3., and xiii. 9. (Menochius) --- Parts. Literally, "Their lower intestines coming out, rotted," as [in] ver. 6. (Haydock) --- Hebrew, "their malady was concealed." (Grotius) --- The emerods attacked them inwardly, with the most excruciating pains, for which they could find no remedy. --- Skins. The ancients knew no greater luxury. (Homer, Odyssey i., and iii.) The Hebrew, &., take no notice of this particular; and there are many other omissions in the Books of Kings, which have been supplied from the Septuagint. (Calmet) --- The skins were used instead of breeches, and to hold up the plaster and other medicines. (Tirinus)

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