_Of the times and moments. That is, of the day of judgment, of the end
of the world, of the destruction of Jerusalem. It is enough to know
the time is uncertain, and that death cometh as a thief in the night.
(Witham) --- When the judgment shall take place the Angels themselves
do not know. Perhaps... [ Continue Reading ]
_Overtake you. It is a subject of astonishment, that some people are
so childishly afraid of the last day, that they cannot think of it
without consternation, lest it should happen in their time. Weak
souls! Do they not recollect that death will certainly overtake them,
and that will be to them indi... [ Continue Reading ]
_You are the children of light. That is, there is little danger of
thieves in the day time, when it is light. Also watch and have arms to
defend you, the coat of mail of faith; the helmet of hope: you are
under the protection of Christ, who died for you, and for your
salvation. See St. John Chrysost... [ Continue Reading ]
The Christian's panoply is not faith alone, but faith, hope and
charity, as we see here.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Whether we wake or sleep. That is, whether we be of the number of
those whom Jesus Christ shall find still upon earth, when he shall
come to judgment, or among those who have slept and returned to dust,
it is his will that we should be his. (Theodoret)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Rebuke, or correct the unquiet. [1] By the Greek, it signifies the
disorderly, or those that keep no order. (Witham)_
_ The unquiet: inquietos, Greek: ataktous, inordinatos, sine ordine et
regula viventes._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Always rejoice. It is usual for St. Paul to recommend joy to the
faithful. Cheerfulness is indeed the characteristic of true virtue,
which by no means consists in, nor encourages, sourness or moroseness,
as some mistaken people imagine. God loves a cheerful giver. Sorrow,
which is of this world, ki... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not oppose either the interior gifts of the holy Spirit, which are
his graces, nor his exterior gifts of prophecy, &c. Take the regular
precautions of prudence, that you be not deceived by those who pretend
to be inspired; but when satisfied that the inspiration comes from
heaven, do not despise... [ Continue Reading ]
_Prove all things. That is, examine prophecies whether they be true,
and the doctrine which you hear from new preachers, and refrain
yourselves not only from evil, but from every thing that hat the
appearance of evil, and which may disedify and scandalize others.
(Witham) --- Hold that which his goo... [ Continue Reading ]
_Spirit, and soul. The former marks the understanding, the latter the
will: hence these two terms give the two principal faculties of the
soul. (Bible de Vence)_... [ Continue Reading ]