_Of this habitation. [1] In the Greek, of this tabernacle; i.e. of the
body. St. John Chrysostom take notice that a tabernacle, or tent, is
not to dwell in for a long time, but only to lodge in for a while, as
this life is short; but the building God has prepared for his elect in
heaven, is for eter... [ Continue Reading ]
_To be clothed over, signifying the natural desire of men have not to
die, but to be changed without dying to a happy state in heaven.
(Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_that we any be found clothed, not naked, [2] not divested of the
body, as before; i.e. we desire immortal happiness without dying:
though some expound it, not naked; i.e. not deprived of the glory we
hope for. (Witham)_
_ Si tamen vestiti, non nudi inveniamur, Greek: eige kai endus... [ Continue Reading ]
_He that maketh us for this very thing, (literally, to this same
thing) is God, who created us to be eternally happy, who hath given us
the earnest of the Spirit. See Chap. i. ver. 22. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_We are absent from the Lord, and as it were pilgrims. He compares the
condition of men in this mortal life with that of pilgrims far from
their own beloved country, yet with hopes to arrive there, which makes
them willing to undergo dangers, and makes Christians even resigned to
death, to a separat... [ Continue Reading ]
It is only by faith we now walk in this foreign land towards God; we
do not as yet feast on Him by any clear view. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Knowing, therefore, the fear of the Lord, and how dreadful a thing it
is to appear at his tribunal, we endeavour to exhort men to fear and
to worship him: and this intention is made known to God, who sees our
heart: and I hope our sincere manner of asking and preaching is also
known to your conscie... [ Continue Reading ]
_We commend not, nor desire to commend ourselves, but they who may do
harm to others, and to the progress of the gospel, make it necessary
to speak what may give you an occasion to answer their objections, and
even to glory in my behalf against those who glory in face, in outward
appearances of lear... [ Continue Reading ]
Sive enim mente excedimus, Deo, sive sobrii sumus, vobis, _Greek: eite
gar exestemen, theo eite sophronoumen, umin. See Annotation on Mark
iii. 21. p. 147. [There is an applicable annotation in this commentary
on Mark iii. 21. but the page reference is unknown.] _... [ Continue Reading ]
_For the charity of Christ, the love of God, the love that Christ has
shewn to me and all mankind, and a return of love due to him, presseth
me on, is the motive of all that I do; because I consider that if one,
our Redeemer Christ Jesus, died for all, then all were dead, and had
been lost in their... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Christ died for all, (not only for the predestinate or the elect)
that they also, who live, may not now live to themselves; that they
may not follow their own inclinations of their nature, corrupted by
sin, but may seek in all things the will of Christ, their Redeemer,
their Lord, to whom they... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wherefore, henceforth we know no man according to the flesh; i.e.
having our thoughts and hearts fixed upon Christ, as he is risen, and
has prepared for us an immortal life, we know not, i.e. we do not
esteem any thing in this mortal life, nor any man according to any
human considerations of this l... [ Continue Reading ]
_If then any be in Christ, &c. The sense seems to be, if by believing
in Christ we are become as it were new creatures, rescued by his grace
and his Spirit, the old things are passed away, we must renounce all
former carnal affections, all sin and all errors in which either Jews
or Gentiles lived. -... [ Continue Reading ]
_But all things (all these blessings of grace and glory) are of God,
who hath sent his only divine Son, by whom he hath reconciled us to
himself, by his incarnation and death for our redemption. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Not imputing, i.e. truly taking away our sins, blotting out the
handwriting of the decree which was against us,...fastening it to the
cross, as it is said, Colossians ii. 14. And to us, who are his
apostles and the ministers of his gospel, he hath imparted and
committed this word of reconciliation,... [ Continue Reading ]
Be not deaf to this voice, harden not your hearts, suffer yourselves
to be moved to the charity of God: it is immense, it is infinite.
(Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
Him (Christ) who knew no sin, (who had never sinned, nor was capable
of sinning) he (God) hath made [4] sin for us. I had translated, with
some French translators, he hath made a sacrifice for sin, as it is
expounded by St. Augustine and many others, and grounded upon the
authority of the Scriptures... [ Continue Reading ]