Grace of God, [1] that hath been given in the Churches of Macedonia. It was certainly the grace of God, that moved the Macedonians to make those charitable contributions for the relief of their poor Christian brethren in Judea, which St. Paul now speaks of: and therefore with those who seem the most exact translators, (even with the most approved Protestant translation) I have, according to the letter, put the grace of God, rather than the godly charity, as others would have it, whom I had once followed, and which I think probable, taking the grace of God, for a great grace, a great charity, or a great benevolence. (Witham)


Gratiam Dei. Greek: ten charin tou Theou. The same word gratia and Greek: charis is used, ver. 4. 6. 7. where it is generally understood of their charitable contributions.

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