Man. Hebrew ish bahal sehar, "a man lord of hair," or all covered with it, having a long beard, like the ancient sages, (St. Jerome, in Ezechiel xxxv.) and clothed with a skin, (Bochart) as the first inhabitants of the earth, the heroes, prophets and St. John the Baptist, are described, Hebrews xi. 37., and Matthew iii. 4. So Statius (ii., and iv.) says: Tiresiæ vultus, voces et vellera nota


The monks imitated this poverty and simplicity of clothing; and it is still common among Arabs, who wear a sheep's skin, with the shorn side inwards in hot weather. (Calmet) --- Elias. He was known by his long hair and distinct garment, from ordinary men. (Worthington) --- Hence none ought to blame priests and monks, for wearing clothing which may designate their profession. (Haydock)

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