_Twentieth. Houbigant endeavours to shew it should be, "the 14th;"
Capellus says, the 17th; (Haydock) and others have suspected that the
number is incorrectly printed. (Grotius, &c.) --- But this expedient
ought only to be adopted when no other can give satisfaction; and this
difficulty may be obvia... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lord. Many laudable actions are specified, 2 Paralipomenon xxvi. 4.
But at last, forgetting the instructions of the prophet Zacharias, he
opened his heart to pride, the bane of great souls, and would arrogate
to himself the rights of the priesthood, which brought on his leprosy.
(Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_But. In this he was not different from his father, chap. xiv. 4._... [ Continue Reading ]
_A leper. In punishment of his usurping the priestly functions, 2
Paralipomenon xxvi. 19. (Challoner) (Worthington) --- The priests
boldly remonstrated with him, but to no effect; till the king
perceived himself stricken with the leprosy. Josephus ([Antiquities?]
ix. 10.) says, a dreadful earthquake... [ Continue Reading ]
_David: or, Oziaas slept....and they buried him in the field of the
royal sepulchre, because he was a leper, and Joatham, &c., 2
Paralipomenon xxvi. 23. (Haydock) --- Such an aversion had people for
lepers, that they would not even bury them with others. (Calmet) ---
Yet he was treated with some hon... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thirtieth. Usher would place an interregnum of eleven years and a
half, after the death of Jeroboam, to make the first year of Zacharias
correspond with the 38th of Azarias, during which, he supposes, the
troubles mentioned [in] Amos vii., and viii., happened. But this
interregnum has no foundation... [ Continue Reading ]
_Place, having before taken his measures with the conspirators; (ver.
15.) so that he had not to fear the resentment of the people. He cut
off the last king of the family of Jehu; (Haydock) probably at
Jezrahel, Osee i. 5. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Manahem, general of Zacharias, revenged his death, and then returning
to Tharsa[Thersa?], treated it and the neighbouring city, Thapsa, with
the utmost fury. So Josephus, [Antiquities?] ix. 11. But his
conjectures are to be received with caution._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ten years. Dating from the time that he was enabled to enjoy the
throne in peace, after a struggle of eleven months. (Usher, the year
of the world 3233.) --- Phul rendered him this service, having
received presents, and one of the golden calves, (Osee x. 6., and
xiii.) besides 1000 talents, ver. 19... [ Continue Reading ]
_Days. During which Jeroboam or Manahem swayed the sceptre. (Calmet)
--- The Septuagint refer all his days to the following verse,
(Haydock) which seems to intimate that the tribute was required
annually, as may be gathered from the Vulgate veniebat. (Menochius)
--- But Phul probably received the ta... [ Continue Reading ]
_Rich. The lower classes were not perhaps entirely exempted._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Near. Hebrew, "may be along with Argob, &c." who were in the
conspiracy. (Chaldean, Septaugint, &c.) (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Israel. This book is lost. (Haydock) --- The Paralipomenon takes no
notice of these kings; but relates only the transactions of the kings
of Juda after Joas gained the victory; which greatly abridged their
power, chap. xiv. 14._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Romelia. St. Jerome (ep. 142.) places the birth of Romulus in this
year, which preceded the famous Olympiads. But Salien differs that
event 14 years. (The year before Christ 769.) (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Assyria, at the invitation of Achaz, chap. xvi. 7. ---
Theglathphalasar is probably the same who is called Ninus the younger,
or Thilgam, (\'c6lian. animal. xii. 21.) by profane writers. He
re-established the kingdom of Nineve in part, after the city had been
taken, under his father Sa... [ Continue Reading ]
In the twentieth year of Joatham. That is, in the twentieth year from
the beginning of Joatham's reign. The sacred writer chooses rather to
follow here this date, tan to speak of the years of Achaz, who had not
yet been mentioned. (Challoner) --- But Joatham reigned only 16 years,
(ver. 33.) so that... [ Continue Reading ]
_Did he. Yet he did not imitate his presumption. God gave great
success to his enterprises, 2 Paralipomenon xxvii. 2._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Gate, repairing that on the east. Jeremias (xxvi. 10.) mentions the
new gate. Joatham also made great additions to the walls of Jerusalem.
(Paralipomenon)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Began. Achaz was much more infested by these princes._... [ Continue Reading ]