Heaven. By heaven here is meant, the air, the lowest of the heavenly
regions, (Challoner) through which he was carried by the ministry of
angels, who directed the storm, (Haydock) to the place designed for
him. --- It is generally supposed to be Paradise, (Calmet) whither
Henoch had been translated.... [ Continue Reading ]
_The sons of the prophets. That is, the disciples of the prophets; who
seem to have had their schools, like colleges or communities, in
Bethel, Jericho, and other places, in the days of Elias and Eliseus.
(Challoner) --- Many of these disciples might be also their children.
Elias collected some ferv... [ Continue Reading ]
_From thee. Hebrew, "from thy head," thy superior, and raise him into
the air, ver. 3. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thee. Elias had tried the constancy of his disciple three times, as
Christ required of St. Peter a triple confession of love, John xxi.
17. (Haydock) --- Humility might also prompt the prophet to desire to
be alone. (Salien)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mantle. Septuagint Greek: meloten, "sheep skin," (Menochius) such as
the prophets wore. The Syriac explains it of an ornament or bandage of
the head; others, of a leathren mantle to keep off rain. Ad subitas
nunquam scortea diset aquas. (Martial xiv.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Double spirit. A double portion of thy spirit, as thy eldest son and
heir: or thy spirit, which is double, in comparison of that which God
usually imparteth to his prophets; (Challoner) or the power of working
miracles, as well as of prophesying. (Worthington) --- He wishes to
excel his fellow disci... [ Continue Reading ]
_Hard thing. Hebrew literally, "thou art hardened to ask" a thing so
difficult, and which I have not the power to grant. But I will pray
that thou mayst receive it; (Calmet) and I feel confident that thou
wilt, if God shall grant thee the power to see me, at my departure.
(Haydock) --- This he did,... [ Continue Reading ]
_Horses. Angels assumed these forms, (Grotius) or a cloud, resembling
a fiery chariot and horses, was impelled by a strong wind, under their
guidance. (Tostat) (Menochius) (Salien, the year before Christ 914.)
--- As the name of Elias is very like Helios, "the sun," some have
supposed that hey have... [ Continue Reading ]
Thereof. Thou alone wast equal to an army, in our defence. Chariots
were then very common. (Calmet) --- Chaldean and Vatable, "Thou wast,
by thy prayer, better to Israel than chariots and horses." So we
should call a person, a pillar of the state, &c. (Tirinus) --- In
giving the character of Elias,... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mantle, as an earnest of his affection. By the imposition of this
mantle, he had been called to be a prophet, 3 Kings xix. 19._... [ Continue Reading ]
Not divided. God thus prevented him from giving way to vanity,
(Abulensis, q. 28.) or thinking that he could do any thing himself.
(Haydock) --- Elias. Hebrew, "where is he?" (Calmet) --- The original
and Septuagint (Alexandrian and Vatican) do not specify that he struck
the waters twice, or that th... [ Continue Reading ]
_They worshipped him; viz., with an inferior, yet religious
veneration, not for any temporal, but spiritual excellency.
(Challoner) (Worthington) --- They had stopped on a hill, (Menochius)
to see the event, ver. 7. (Haydock) --- Jericho itself is two hours'
journey from the Jordan. (Adrichomius) --... [ Continue Reading ]
_Valley. It seems such translations were not uncommon, 3 Kings xviii.
12. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Send. He acquiesces, lest they might think that he was afraid of
losing his superiority. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Barren, owing to the salt or bituminous waters. Some think that they
were muddy and of a loathsome smell. The fountain is still to be seen
very abundant and excellent, watering the plain on the west of the
city. Its source is about two miles distant on the road to Jerusalem.
(Maundrell, p. 134.) (C... [ Continue Reading ]
_Put salt. He removes ever suspicion of imposture: if the waters were
already saline, the remedy would seem contrary to his design, but it
would display the miracle in a stronger light; and if they were only
fetid and muddy, (Calmet) though (Haydock) salt might rectify a small
quantity, (Palladius t... [ Continue Reading ]
_Barrenness. By the divine power they are become salubrious.
(Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bald-head. It is not know whether Eliseus was really bald, or only
wore his hair short, like the priests of the Lord, and the monks at
present. It may also be a term of reproach, of which the emperors
Julius Cæsar, Domitian, and Otho, were very sensible. Cæsar wore a
crown of laurel, and Otho a sor... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cursed them. This curse, which was followed by so visible a judgment
of God, was not the effect of passion, or of a desire of revenging
himself; but of zeal for religion, which was insulted by these boys,
in the person of the prophet, and of a divine inspiration; God being
determined to punish in t... [ Continue Reading ]
_Carmel. To avoid the indignation of the populace, and to instruct his
disciples. --- Samaria. That he might be ready to give advice to the
two kings, who were meditating an expedition against Moab.
(Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]