All, or a great part; for some were still left, 1 Esdras i. --- Which: or like unto those which Solomon had made. The identical vessels had been perhaps (Du Hamel) plundered. (Menochius) --- Nabuchodonosor took away the sacred vessels at three different times: 1. under Joakim. These he placed in the temple of his god; and they were afterwards profaned by Baltassar, and restored by Cyrus, Daniel i. 2., and v. 5., and 1 Esdras i. 7. 2. Many he now broke in pieces. 3. Under Sedecias, he took probably what that prince had made, chap. xxv. 13., and Baruch i. 7 --- Lord, by Isaias (xxxix. 6.; supra chap. xx. 17.) and Jeremias, xv. 13.

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