2 Kings 3:2

_Baal. This happened after his victory over Moab, ver. 13. (Calmet) --- Salien thinks rather that Josaphat refused to assist him, except he would destroy what had been lately introduced by his parents, as the league with Achab had been blamed. See 2 Paralipomenon xix. 2. The golden calves were of an... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:4

_Nourished. Hebrew noked, a term which the Septuagint leave untranslated, means literally, "marked" with some colour by the master. Aut pecori signum, aut numeros impressit acervo. (Georg. i.)_ _ Sheep, Symmachus, "large cattle." --- Fleeces; is it commonly supposed every year. This mode of tribute... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:7

He entered cordially into this war, as he perceived that if Moab succeeded, Edom would follow the same plan. (Menochius)... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:8

_Edom though more circuitous (Calmet) than to cross over the Jordan at Galgal, as the enemy might this be taken unawares, (Menochius) and fresh recruits might be procured from the tributary king of Edom, ver. 9. (Haydock) Yet the want of water made this road more dangerous._... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:11

_Elias, a proverbial expression to denote that he waited upon him, though the prophet's rough manner of living would require but little attendance. So John the Baptist speaks of untying our Saviour's shoes, Matthew iii. (Calmet) --- Providence had sent Eliseus to attend the army (Haydock) contrary t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:12

_With him. I am content. (Haydock) --- Others read with an interrogation, as if the reputation of Eliseus was not yet established. (Menochius) --- Him; they go to his tent. No one ever supported the character of God's envoy, or shewed his authority over the most haughty, better than Eliseus. (Calmet... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:13

_Mother, whom thou supportest. This is not an order, but a sarcasm (Haydock) which the king deserved. (Calmet) --- Christ said to Judas, what thou dost, do quickly, John xiii. 27. (Haydock) --- With what liberty does the prophet speak to an impious king! shewing himself worthy to succeed Elias, and... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:14

_Reverence, ( erubescerem) "blush at," may imply a degree of censure at Josaphat's being again found in such bad company, ver. 2. (Haydock) --- Hebrew, "If I did not receive (Calmet) or regard the face." (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:15

Minstrel. The priests and Levites, who officiated in the temple, accompanied the army. Eliseus wants no profane music, (Calmet) but, by this request, shews his respect for the true religion, (Haydock) and by sounding forth the divine praises, in some of David's psalms, wishes to obtain of God the fa... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:16

_Ditches. It was then quite dry; the water which should come in the night, would both refresh the army, and bring on the ruin of the Moabites._... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:19

_Tree. This was an exception from the general law; (Deuteronomy xx. 19.; Calmet) or it might only regard the land of Chanaan, which the Hebrews should occupy. (Menochius) (Worthington) --- Stones, which had been gathered off into heaps, Isaias v. 1. Persius calls a field thus cleared, Exossatus ager... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:20

_Offered, at sun-rise, Exodus xxix. 38. --- Water, produced miraculously, without any rain being seen; (ver. 17.; Calmet) though it might fall at a distance in Idumea. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:22

_Blood. The clouds have frequently a reddish colour at sun-rise, which would be reflected in the waters: the sand might also be red. As the Moabites knew that no water could be expected there at that season of the year, and as some examples had occurred of people turning their arms one against anoth... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:25

CHAPTER III. _ Brick walls. It was the proper name of the city of the Moabites. In Hebrew, Kir-Charaseth. (Challoner) --- Isaias xv., and xvi. 7. It was also called Ar, or Arcopolis. --- Remained. Hebrew adds, "with the stones unmolested." They laid siege to it. (Haydock) --- Slingers. Grotius woul... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 3:27

Wall, to Chamos, the idol of Moab; (Menochius) or to Moloc, to appease the wrath of the gods. Horrible blindness! The pagans believed, that the most precious thing ought to be sacrificed in very imminent dangers. (Philo Biblius, following Eusebius, præp. iv. 16.) --- The Ph\'9cnicians offered such v... [ Continue Reading ]

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