_Prophets. Josephus ([Antiquities?] ix. 4.) intimates that this man
was Abdias; (3 Kings xviii. 13.) and the Rabbins pretend that Joram
was the creditor. But these traditions are destitute of proof; and we
know not that Abdias was a prophet. (Calmet) --- Serve him, not as
slaves, for the Hebrews wer... [ Continue Reading ]
_Anoint me, for delicacy or health, Matthew vi. 17. (Menochius) --- To
abstain from this unction, in the East, was a great mortification, 2
Kings xiv. 2., and Deuteronomy xxviii. 40. Sanctius supposes, that the
woman intended the oil to anoint her body for interment, Matthew xxvi.
12. Hebrew asuc, o... [ Continue Reading ]
_Stood. The grace of God ceases to flow, when the soul is full of
vanity. (St. Bernard) --- Charity does not increase, when it bestows
nothing. (St. Augustine, ser. 206. de Temp.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sunam, the birth-place of the beautiful virgin Abisag, (3 Kings i.
3.) at the foot of Thabor, (Calmet) and not above a mile from Carmel,
ver. 23. (Tirinus) --- Great woman, "renowned for piety" (Arabic) and
riches, ver. 13. (Tirinus) (Menochius) --- "Fearing sins." (Chaldean)
This was true greatnes... [ Continue Reading ]
_Chamber. Hebrew adds, "on the wall," (Haydock) or surrounded "with
walls," at the top of the house, where strangers usually lodged.
(Calmet) --- After being entertained the first day with the family,
they might retire, and live, as if they were at home; some presents
being sent to them daily, at le... [ Continue Reading ]
_He said, or "he had said;" (Junius and Piscator) so that we may
include this and the following verse within a parenthesis, as alluding
to what had passed before; (Calmet) unless the woman, out of modesty,
did not come into the chamber of the prophet, who addressed her by an
interpreter, (Menochius)... [ Continue Reading ]
_No son. The desire of one was very natural, particularly to people in
good circumstances (Menochius) and of the Hebrew nation. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Womb. Hebrew, "At this season, according to the time of life,
(Haydock; or of a woman with child, Menochius) thou shalt embrace a
son" in thy arms. (Haydock) See Genesis xviii. 10. (Calmet) --- If is
added by St. Jerome, agreeably to an usual form of speaking.
(Menochius) --- The prophet assures th... [ Continue Reading ]
_Carry. This interpretation suits with the occasion, and is
conformable to the Septuagint and Chaldean. (Menochius) --- Literally,
"conduct him," but he was sick and little. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bed, esteeming it as a relic, (Haydock) or wishing to excite the man
of God to pray for her child, and to conceal its death from her
husband. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Moon, a day of devotion, (Numbers x. 10.; Calmet) or probably of
obligation, like the sabbath, on which no long journey could be
undertaken, (Tirinus; ver. 8.) unless for the sake of piety, (Exodus
xxvi. 8.) as Sunam is a place six or seven leagues, (Calmet) or eight
hours' walk from Carmel. (Adric... [ Continue Reading ]
_And do. Hebrew, "unless I bid thee." Some translate, "urge me not to
get up, unless," &c. (Chaldean; Arabic, &c.) They suppose that she
went on foot, and that the ass was designed for Eliseus. (Vatable)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Well. She declines mentioning what she wanted to the servant, in
order that she might speak to the prophet in person. (Menochius) ---
She might also rationally hope that the child was well in another
world. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Her. Being aware of the extreme circumspection and modesty of his
master. --- Told me. Hence it appears that the prophets were not
inspired at all times, 2 Kings vii. 3, "that they might be sensible
that what they had was a gift of God." (St. Gregory, hom. in 11
Ezech.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_A son. Better had it been for me not to have become a mother, than to
be so soon delivered of my child. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Salute him not. He that is sent to raise to life the sinner
spiritually dead, must not suffer himself to be called off, or
diverted from his enterprise, by the salutations or ceremonies of the
world. (Challoner) --- So must the preachers of the gospel diligently
fulfil their important office, Luke x... [ Continue Reading ]
The child is not risen. By the staff of Eliseus is represented the rod
of Moses, or the old law, which was incapable of restoring life to
mankind, then dead by sin. It was necessary that Christ himself should
come in our flesh, to restore us to life again. In this, Eliseus, as a
figure of Christ, be... [ Continue Reading ]
_Warm. Arabic adds, "by his breath," as when God breathed a soul into
Adam. (Theodoret, q. 18.) --- Some Greek interpreters have, "he
breathed upon him," &c._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Upon him. Septuagint, "he breathed," &c. (Calmet) --- Other copies,
(Alexandrian and Vatican) "he bent down upon the child seven times,
and the child opened his eyes." --- Gaped. Protestants, "sneezed;"
(Haydock) in which interpretation, Junius, Montanus, &c., agree.
Arabic, "he turned his eyes abo... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ground. To honour the saint, who had done her such a kindness.
(Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Galgal, where he had been often before. --- Dwelt. Hebrew, "sat,"
like disciples attending to the instructions of their master, Acts
xxii. 3. (Calmet) --- To one, &c. Hebrew and Septuagint, "to his
servant," Giezi. (Menochius) --- Eliseus provided for the temporal as
well as for the spiritual wants... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wild herbs. Hebrew oroth. Septuagint Greek: arioth, may denote any
thing that could be "gathered." --- Gourds: colocynthides. They
resembled cucumbers; but were so bitter, that they were styled, "the
gall of the earth." Vallesius, (Phil. c. 36.) who observes, that a
small quantity may cause death,... [ Continue Reading ]
_Death, poison, &c. Matthiole accounts this fruit poisonous._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Baalsalisa, 15 miles south of Diospolis, and to the north of
Jerusalem. (Calmet) --- His scrip. Hebrew bctsiklono. Protestants, "in
the husk thereof." Carmel, means a greenish ear of corn, (Haydock)
which might be rubbed in the hand, and so eaten. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Men. The disciples of Christ found the like difficulty, John vi. 9.
(Menochius) --- God multiplied the provisions for these 100 men,
(Calmet) living in the community at Galgal. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]