I killed him. This story of the young Amalecite was not true, as may easily be proved by comparing it with the last chapter of the foregoing book. (Challoner) --- Fall. This he says, apprehending that David would perhaps disapprove of what he had done. --- Diadem, or ribband, which was tied round his head, as a badge of his dignity. Hebrew, "the crown." But it was not of metal, though such were already common, Exodus xxviii. 36., and 1 Paralipomenon xx. 2. Some pretend that Doeg gave these insignia to this son, that he might ingratiate himself with the future king. But they were upon Saul, so that the enemy could easily distinguish him. --- Bracelet. The Hebrews took a great many from the Madianites, Numbers xxxi. 50. Such presents were made by the Romans to soldiers who had performed some feats of valour. (Pliny, [Natural History?] xxxiii. 2.) (Livy i. 10.)

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