2 Samuel 10:2

_Naas, whom Saul had defeated, and who on that account is supposed to have received his rival more willingly, (Calmet) when he had retreated into the country of Moab, 1 Kings xxii. 3. After receiving many presents from Naas, he retired to Odollam. (St. Jerome, Tradit.) (Menochius) --- Though the Isr... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:3

_It. Thus, by their insinuations, they pervert the good dispositions of their prince, and by too much policy bring ruin on the nation. (Haydock) --- History affords many examples of similar effects of worldly wisdom. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:4

Away, having forced them as it were to go into mourning for the deceased king. These nations adopted the same customs as the Hebrews: they cut their hair, and rent their garments, to express their deep affliction, Isaias xv. 2. The Arabs would deem it a great insult, and a piece of irreligion, to sh... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:6

_Rohob, the capital, between Libanus and Antibanus. --- Soba was subject to Adarezer, chap. viii. 3. --- Maacha, at the foot of Hermon. --- Istob (Hebrew ish tob) signifies, the man, or prince, or "the master of Tob," (Calmet) where Jephte lived, Judges xi. 5. (Du Hamel) (Salien) --- Josephus thinks... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:7

_Warriors. The outrage offered to the ambassadors was a sufficient reason. The king of Ammon might have refused to receive them; but he could not, with any propriety, treat them with scorn. "The right of ambassadors has both a divine and human sanction." (Cicero, contra Verrem 3.) --- The Romans hav... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:8

_Ammon. David was disposed to have lived in peace with this nation: but they voluntarily provoked his arms, after he had made such havoc upon all the neighbouring idolaters, and thus draw down the scourge of Providence; who suffers those to be blinded whom he has resolved to punish. The preparations... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:17

_Helam. Ptolemy mentions Alamata, on the Euphrates. But perhaps we ought to read the Hebrew Lehem, "he came upon them." See 1 Paralipomenon xix. 17. Some translate, "he came to their army."_... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:18

_Hundred. Paralipomenon, thousand, allowing ten men for each chariot. (Du Hamel; Menochius) --- The men is omitted in both texts. See chap. viii. 4. (Haydock) --- Horsemen. Paralipomenon reads, footmen, supplying what is here omitted, (Salien) so that 87,000 Syrians perished, unless there be a mista... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 10:19

_Before Israel. Hebrew and Septuagint only read, "And when all the kings, servants of Adarezer, saw that they were smitten before Israel, they made peace with Israel, and served them," &c. (Haydock) --- The addition is not found in the ancient version of St. Jerome. These tributary kings lived in Sy... [ Continue Reading ]

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