Rohob, the capital, between Libanus and Antibanus. --- Soba was subject to Adarezer, chap. viii. 3. --- Maacha, at the foot of Hermon. --- Istob (Hebrew ish tob) signifies, the man, or prince, or "the master of Tob," (Calmet) where Jephte lived, Judges xi. 5. (Du Hamel) (Salien) --- Josephus thinks that Istob is the name of a fourth king, who, together with the king of Micha, brought 22,000 into the field. The first he styles king "of the Mesopotamians," (1 Paralipomenon xix. 6.) which Salien explains of the country between Abana and Pharphar, the two great rivers of Syria, (4 Kings v. 12,) though, on this occasion, he allows that Adarezer hired forces from the utmost parts beyond the Euphrates. (Haydock)

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