Sight, for size. (Josephus) --- Hebrew, "a man of great aspect," which 1 Paralipomenon properly explains "five cubits high." --- Hand. Septuagint supply what seems to be omitted, "like a weaver's beam," (Kennicott) as it is found in Paralipomenon. --- Rod, or rather "a staff," like David's, 1 Kings xvii. 43., and xl. 43. (Haydock) --- Some men, with a stick or codgel, will not fear to encounter a man armed; (Calmet) as we see exemplified in Q. Curtius, (ix. 7,) where Dioxippus, the Athenian wrestler, overcame Horratas of Macedon, who had challenged him out in a fit of drunkenness. (Haydock)

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