Hodsi. Alexandrian Septuagint, (5) "of Gad and Eliazer, (6) and they came into Galaad, and into the land of Ethaon Adasai, and they went into Dan Jaran." The other editions vary. Hebrew means, "to the land of new subjects," or "lately conquered" (Junius) from the Agarites, (1 Paralipomenon v. 10,) which agrees with this situation. (Calmet; Lyranus) --- The commissioners first took an account of the tribe of Ruben, (Menochius) and then proceeded northward, till they returned from Dan towards the south. (Haydock) --- Woodlands. St. Jerome reads jar, instead of jan. By transposing a letter, ain would signify Dan, "the spring," which feeds the Jordan.

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